Developer Rewards

Rewards for developers on IgniteChain Network

The Proof-of-Reward (PoR) consensus distribute rewards to developers who build decentralized applications (dApps) and support the IgniteChain ecosystem. This reward is distributed to all the smart contract developers who have built application on top of IgniteChain. This reward shall be sent to smart contract creator address.

All the smart contracts deployed on IgniteChain are using Proof-of-Reward consensus, that divides transaction gas into rewards in 5 different figures - validator reward (V), sender reward (U), developer reward (D), foundation (F) & system (S) allotment.

This reward varies around 7% of the transaction fees.

Developer Reward (D) = G / 14.29; [ 100 / 14.29 = 7 ]

However, not all smart contracts are eligible for developer reward. Criteria for developers to be eligible for developer reward are as below:

Last updated