Ignite Web Wallet

Integrating Ignite Chain wallet on web

Use Ignite Wallet Web version at https://wallet.ignite.info/ or download the mobile IgniteWallet App from the Google Play or IOS Store. IGNITE wallet is a free, client-side interface helping you interact with ignite. Our easy-to-use, open-source platform allows you to generate wallets and so much more.

You can create a new wallet, import an existing wallet, vote for Masternodes, and transfer/receive IGT Coin.

Check Follow Steps to Create Ignite Wallet, Step 1: Visit https://wallet.ignite.info/

Step 2: Click “Create a New Wallet” or "Import Your Wallet" with a private key, recovery phrase, MetaMask, or Ledger Wallet.

If you don't have any other Wallet Choose "Create Wallet" Option.

Step 3: Now, Set your Phrase key by click on "Recovery phrase"

Step 4: Now you can see Your Personal Phrase, click on Next Button.

Step 5: Enter Your Phrase Key for Verification purpose then Click on "VERIFY" button.

Step 6: After verify your Phrase Create a strong password for your wallet. then click on Next Button.

Congratulations! Your Ignite wallet has been set up successfully. You can now access your Ignite wallet by clicking on the "Go to wallet" button.

Now you can see your Ignite Wallet Dashboard.

Last updated