Token Information

IGT means the native utility coin of the public blockchain platform IgniteChain.

"IGT" means a BEP20 token hosted on Binance Smart Chain, issued by the Company and backed by an equal amount of Ignite (Contract address: 0x0D120D0ACC18574Adb0cF132b88456fc24191533)

"IGT20" wrapped token means an IGT20 Token hosted on the IgniteChain public blockchain and backed by an equivalent amount of the underlying digital asset.

"Wrap" means "Deposit" the action to swap an amount of a native digital asset for the corresponding wrapped token on another public blockchain.

"Unwrap" means "Withdraw" the action to swap several wrapped tokens on another public blockchain for the native digital assets.

"Platform" means the cross-chain transfer module for interoperability between IgniteChain public blockchain and other crypto asset chains operated by the Company which is offered from time to time on or through the Site.

"Site" means the website Ignite Bridge

"Wallet" means a device, physical medium, program, or service which stores the public and/or private keys/phrase or Keystore file with password for cryptocurrency transactions on any public blockchains which may be associated with corresponding transactions related to this address.

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